The Effect of Lipotransfer on Facial Scleroderma. DF Hunt, LL Bravan, LL Uppal, C Denton, PE Butler.

Date: April 2015. Source: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 135, Issue 4, AAPS Abstract Supplement, p 1181. Purpose: Scleroderma (SS), is a systemic autoimmune disease causing fibrosis of the skin and other tissues. In diffuse cutaneous disease 1—year survival is 55%. Scleroderma commonly affects the face and mouth. Methods: We report the treatment of oral facial…

Reliability and validity of measurements of facial swelling with a stereophotogrammetry optical three-dimensional scanner. WJ van der Meer, PU Dijkstra, A Visser, A Vissink, Y Ren.

Date: December 2014 Source: British Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 52(10):922-7. Abstract: Volume changes in facial morphology can be assessed using the 3dMDface® stereo-optical 3-dimensional scanner, which uses visible light and has a short scanning time. Its reliability and validity have not to our knowledge been investigated for the assessment of facial swelling. Our aim…

The Use of Tridimensional Imaging to Evaluate Volumetric Changes in Maxillofacial Patients: A Case Report. GF Lagreca, S Morgan.

Date: November 2014. Source: Meeting of the American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics in New Orleans, USA. Poster Presentation: The Use of Tridimensional Imaging to Evaluate Volumetric Changes in Maxillofacial Patients: A Case Report. Authors: Gabriela F. Lagreca, DDS; Sujey Morgan, DDS, MS, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.

Three-Dimensional Stereophotogrammetry: A Novel Method in Volumetric Measurement of Infantile Hemangioma. DJJ Hermans, TJJ Maal, SJ Bergé, CJM Vleuten.

Date: January 2014. Source: Pediatric Dermatology. Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 118-122. Abstract: Accurate and objective measurement of volume changes in infantile hemangiomas (IHs) is essential in routine clinical practice and clinical studies, particularly in the changing therapeutic landscape after the discovery of propranolol. Several bedside techniques for volume measurement have been described in the…

Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetrical analysis of peristomal fixation of adhesive base plates during hands-free speech among laryngectomised patients related to tracheostoma volumes. R Dirven, Y Wouters, R Vreeken, TJJ Maal, HAM Marres.

Date: April 2012. Source: Clinical Otolaryngology; Volume 37, pp 124–129. Objective: This study evaluates the relation between stoma volumes by means of objective three-dimensional measurements of laryngectomised individuals and peristomal fixation of adhesive baseplates during hands-free speech. Design: A three-dimensional stereophotogrammetrical image was captured of the tracheostoma and its surrounding tissue for each participant. The…