A Novel Study on Alar Mobility of HAN Female by 3dMD Dynamic Surface Imaging System. Y Zhong, Y Zhu, T Jiang et al.

Asian alar anatomy has great distinction from Caucasian, processing conspicuous alar movement and damaging alar aesthetic dynamically. This novel study defined alar mobility by three-dimensional anthropometric analysis, providing objective references for alar dynamic aesthetic and arousing plastic surgeons’ attention on keeping balance of static and dynamic aesthetic in rhinoplasty.

3D Imaging and Informatics Approaches to Diagnose Genetic Conditions. C Deutsch.

Date: April 2013. Source: 2013 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo; Boston, USA. Abstract: With the support of NIH, we have developed the first quantitative normative database to diagnose craniofacial abnormalities. This new informatics resource, combined with novel methods in 3D surface imaging and 3D morphometry, provides the means of defining features of medical genetic conditions.…