3DFaceGAN: Adversarial Nets for 3D Face Representation, Generation, and Translation. S Moschoglou, S Ploumpis, MA Nicolaou et al.

Date: May 2019. Source: International Journal of Computer Vision (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-020-01329-8. Abstract: Over the past few years, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have garnered increased interest among researchers in Computer Vision, with applications including, but not limited to, image generation, translation, imputation, and super-resolution. Nevertheless, no GAN-based method has been proposed in the literature that can…

MeshGAN: Non-linear 3D Morphable Models of Faces. S Cheng, M Bronstein, Y Zhou, I Kotsia, M Pantic, S Zafeiriou.

Date: April 2019. Source: Cornell University Library – arXiv.org, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are currently the method of choice for generating visual data. Certain GAN architectures and training methods have demonstrated exceptional performance in generating realistic synthetic images (in particular, of human faces). However, for 3D object, GANs still…