An exploratory study of bust measurements during running using 4D scanning technology. J Pei, L Griffin, SP Ashdown, J Fan, B Juhnke, C Curry.

The purpose of this research was to introduce the use of 4D scanning technology to understand breast shape in motion. Twenty-six female participants who identified themselves as wearing Missy Size 18 were recruited for scanning. Three most common bust measurements were tracked in dynamic states and compared with the static state.

Visualization and Quantification of Female Breast Morphology During Breast Reconstruction. AL Cheong, GP Reece, MC Fingeret, F Merchant.

Date: October 2014. Source: 3D Body Scanning Conference, Lugano, Switzerland. Abstract: Breast reconstruction is an integral part of the breast cancer treatment process and has shown to positively impact the patient’s psychosocial adjustment and quality of life. Three-dimensional (3D) visualization and quantification of the breast for different types of reconstruction procedures can allow for a…